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Loopring AMM
2025-01-02 14:00:31
成立时间: 2020
注册地区: China
应用下载: APP下载链接
官网地址: Loopring AMM官网
备用地址: 备用地址
资产实力: $--
币种数量: 0 (0个交易对)
KYC认证: 未知
支持中文: 未知
风险准备金: 未知
量化接口: 未知
信用评分: 5/10
交易支持: 现货 / 期货 / 法币 / 杠杆 / 理财
社交账号: facebook twitter biyong
Launched in February 2020, Loopring Exchange describes itself as is the first zkRollup DEX on Ethereum, built atop the Loopring Protocol. The exchange is operated by the Loopring team (which is distributed acro... 更多
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Loopring AMM交易所介绍

Launched in February 2020, Loopring Exchange describes itself as is the first zkRollup DEX on Ethereum, built atop the Loopring Protocol. The exchange is operated by the Loopring team (which is distributed across China, Belgium, Canada, and the US). It supports the non-custodial trading of ETH and ERC20 tokens. Leveraging zkRollup tech, Loopring Exchange is capable of settling over 2,000 trades per second at a cost as low as $0.0001, without sacrificing 100% Ethereum security guarantees. It claims to be the most scalable DEX on Ethereum. Loopring is an open protocol for scalable non-custodial exchanges on Ethereum. For more details, please see: https://medium.com/loopring-protocol/looprings-zkrollup-amm-is-live-2f8251cd0fcd